Best Invisalign Deals in Southend

Best Invisalign Deals in Southend
Advanced Dental Aesthetics
07 Jul, 2022

Are you considering Invisalign?

Invisalign is now the most popular method of straightening teeth for adults and teens because it’s fast, effective, comfortable, and so discreet your friends and family will hardly notice them! Invisalign is a series of clear aligners that gradually shift your teeth into line so you end up with perfect straight teeth. You’ll typically wear a set of aligners for about one or two weeks, and you only take them out when you floss, brush your teeth or eat and drink. Every set of aligners gently moves your teeth into the ideal position, week-by-week. You should visit the dentist at our Southend dental practice in Essex about every six weeks, so we can be sure progress is being made and everything is going as planned.

The average treatment time for Invisalign is 8-16 months and you’ll end up using about 18 to 30 sets of aligners. Both these averages will vary depending on the individual patient. The Invisalign process can fix problems such as overly crowded teeth, widely spaced teeth, cross bite, overbite and under bite. Taking advantage of Invisalign braces can also help prevent more serious dental problems such as tooth decay and periodontal disease.

Why use Advanced Dental Aesthetics for your Invisalign treatment?

We have years of experience seeing patients interested in Invisalign from Southend, Essexand beyond. We’ve successfully treated many individuals with Invisalign and have all the expertise necessary to help you achieve the smile you want. When you’re looking for Invisalign treatment for your teeth, you can be certain you’ll get the best results possible when you visit our highly professional and caring team at Advanced Dental Aesthetics in Southend, Essex.

Invisalign Expertise at Advanced Dental Aesthetics

We see Invisalign patients every day here, especially in the summer months, so managing your case will be as simple for us as brushing our teeth. Many of our team have either had Invisalign themselves,or worked with Invisalign patients so you can ask anyone here for information or advice about your Invisalign treatment.

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have, as well as guide you to any information to help you either in making the decision to receive Invisalign or in learning about Invisalign about a treatment option. We understand this is a big decision to make and want to be sure you are as informed as possible. Invisalign is something we’re passionate about. It’s our mission to help all of our patients receive the best care possible when they come in for Invisalign treatment. Regardless of where you are in the process, we will go the extra mile to make sure you are comfortable, getting the care you need and are making progress toward the beautiful smile you have always dreamed of!

Are your teeth suitable for Invisalign?

If you have been told that you’re not an Invisalign candidate, contact us today and we’d love to evaluate your case, for free. We’ve achieved great results with hundreds of patients who were told by other dentists that Invisalign would not work for them.

Free Invisalign Consultation

We know it’s a big decision going for Invisalign which is why we offer a free consultation either at the practice or via a free Invisalign video consultation

Spread Invisalign Payments Over 12 months

To make things even easier for our patients we’re delighted to offer interest free payment plans for Invisalign so by the time you have your beautiful new smile you’ll have finished paying for it!

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