Dental Sedation

Dental Sedation
Advanced Dental Aesthetics
08 Nov, 2022

We fully understand some patients are so afraid of going to the dentist they put off treatment until a problem gets so bad it can no longer be ignored. Because it’s really important your anxiety doesn’t prevent you from seeing your dentist regularly, Advanced Dental Aesthetics now offers sedation dentistry in Southend. Sedation helps fearful, apprehensive patients relax during dental procedures so they can get the treatment they need.

What is sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry, provides safe, comfortable dental treatment for nervous patients. It’s administered by skilled sedation dentists for anxious patients. Once you’ve experienced sedation dentistry at Advanced Dental Aesthetics, you’ll feel more at ease with returning to the dentist again. You’ll be sedated just enough to be unaware of the treatment, and we’ll make you feel more relaxed than you ever thought possible.

Because you’re completely comfortable, our sedation dentist can do extensive dental treatment with minimal visits. We can replace crowns, restore sore gums to good health, whiten yellow or stained teeth, and fix a chipped tooth and you can even get dental implantsfor any missing teeth. People with very busy schedules can get the dental care they need, easily and quickly.

Imagine being able to smile with confidence and chew your food without pain. No wonder so many people who need dentists for nervous patients say, “Sedation dentistry changed my life.”

Who can benefit from sedation dentistry?

You can benefit from our new sedation dentist if you experience one or more of the following:

  • High fear of dental care
  • Complex dental problems
  • Traumatic dental experiences
  • Fear of needles and shots
  • Trouble getting numb
  • Sensitive teeth
  • A bad gag reflex
  • Limited time to complete dental care
  • Dislike of noises, smells and tastes associated with dental care
  • Fear or embarrassment about your teeth
  • Desire treatment from a dentist for anxiety patients

How does sedation dentistry work?

Sedation dentistry helps you feel calm, relaxed and at ease during dental procedures. It’s a moderate level of sedation, so you’re still technically awake but feeling very carefree. It’s sometimes called conscious sedation dentistry or “twilight sleep” because it creates a state of short-term amnesia (forgetfulness) where you experience insensitivity to pain without the loss of consciousness.

There are varying levels of sedation dentistry based on your unique needs. Factors include your level of anxiety, the length of your procedure, your health history and personal preferences. The most common types of sedation dentistry include nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation and intravenous (IV) sedation.

When you arrive at Advanced Dental Aesthetics in Southend, Essexyou’llbe escorted into the comfort room, covered with a thick, warm blanket and placed on a monitor to watch your vital signs. After you’re comfortable, one of our dentists and the experienced clinical team at Advanced Dental Aesthetics will take care of your dental needs.

What is oral conscious sedation?

With this type of sedation, you experience very deep relaxation while still being conscious. Your dentist provides you with an oral sedation medication that is easy to swallow and safe. After the medication takes effect, you’re still able to speak and respond to external requests.

Oral sedation makes you quite groggy, and you may even fall asleep. But you’ll still be able to communicate with your dentist if necessary, and you’ll awaken with a gentle nudge. Because oral sedation temporarily affects your memory and motor skills, you’ll need a friend or family member to drive you home after your procedure.

What is inhalation sedation?

Inhalation sedation uses nitrous oxide and oxygen (laughing gas) to help your body achieve a relaxed state. This is the most popular form of sedation used in dentistry today.You inhale nitrous oxide through a mask or nosepiece, and calming effects begin within three to five minutes. Your dentist controls the amount of sedation you receive and adjusts dosages accordingly throughout your procedure. Once your treatment is over, your dentist gives you pure oxygen to flush the nitrous oxide out of your system. Because the laughing gas leaves your system so quickly, you’ll be able to drive yourself home after the procedure.

What should I know about sedation dentistry?

  • It really works
  • You can relax through your dental appointment
  • It’s safe
  • You’ll have little or no memory of the experience — you won’t remember sounds or smells
  • You can relax for up to five to six hours after treatment
  • Complex dental treatments that often require multiple appointments can be done in one appointment while helping you stay relaxed
  • Sedation dentistry is a safe way to reduce the fatigue of extended dental treatment requiring long visits

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I feel any pain?
No, you’ll feel nothing.

Will I be unconscious?
No, you will be in a deeply relaxed state, and you’ll be responsive.

Will I be monitored?
Yes, one member of our sleep dentistry team is always with you, and your vital signs are monitored during the entire visit.

How long will I be relaxing?
From two to six hours, depending on your needs.

Will someone need to accompany me?
Yes, due to the sedative effects of the medication, you’ll need someone to drive you to and from your appointment and remain with you for the rest of the day.

For more information on sedation dentistry in Southend, Essex or to book an appointment with a dentist that offers sedation, contact Advanced Dental Aesthetics today!

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